The State of Rape
How Did This Happen This was like giving a teen a car and a case of beer and letting him write his rules. When teachers now get into criminal trouble, their superintentendent explains to the cops that by law, they have their own rules so "buzz off". But there's more. Administrative discipline not only covers teacher sex crimes but Kidnapping, Murder, Manslaughter, Aggravated Robbery, Smuggling of Persons, Delivery of a Controlled Substance, Forgery, Embezzlement, and much much more. Board President Grimaces as Open Records Project Reveals How Her District Used Administrative Discipline to Beat Child Sex Raps and Allow Alleged Perps Back in the Classroom.
The Rules Public school teachers on the other hand are "bound" by Administrative rules, essentially created by teachers and no one else. The rules can be found here: Teacher Administrative Rules
There is a Solution
Until that chapter is repealed,  