Sex Crime Case Codes
1.1-SXIS Sexual Assault, Continuous Sex Abuse of Young Child,
Indecency with a Child.
1.2-SXNS Non-school Sexual Assault, Continuous Sex Abuse of
Young Child, Indecency with a Child, Prohibited Sexual Contact,
Possession, Sale, Distribution, or Manufacture of Child Pornography,
Enticing a Child, Solicitation of a Minor, Public Lewdness,
Indecent Exposure, Invasive Visual Recording, Human Trafficking.
10-IRWSM Inappropriate Conduct with a Student or Minor, Including
Inappropriate Communication, Grooming, or Solicitation of Sexual
Conduct or a Romantic Relationship.
Ref. Section 21.12(a), Penal Code
NOTE on 21.12(a)
This is a Penal Code felony that describes crimes including various
sexual contact, sexual intercourse, or deviate sexual intercourse
between a school employee and a student. As refered to in TEA
Discipline Rules it describes criminal behavior but prescribes no
penalty other than revocation of a teaching certificate or banning
from hiring as a public school teacher.
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