
You know in your heart that something is wrong, but there is no one to tell.

We make things happen.


Texas Teacher Discipline Files
Search over 10,000 discipline records with names, districts, charges...

How We Got the Discipline Files
Another child predator was discovered in Highland Park ISD...

Highland Park Celebrates from
"The River to the Sea".
Public school grooms mostly peaceful jihadists...

Pedo Party Pooped Again
Public school pedo prospect identified by volunteers...

Superintendent Hides Pedo's Identity.
All public education officials have immunity...

How to Beat a Hijack Rap
On Febrary 28, 2023 an unidentified woman took a McKinney school bus loaded with elementary children and headed down I-75.

Race to the High Five
An unidentified woman headed toward Dallas with a bus of McKinney elementary children.

Kids Love Flying to Space
"Hey kids, put down your crayons. Ms. Reeves brought Kool-Aid for everyone.

Dallas CAD Hacked, Doh!
Open Records Project volunteers identified the original Dallas CAD computer compromise almost a year ago...UPDATED

Superintendent Resigns Following Kindergarten Sex Scandal
The Open Records Project broke the story of the sexually disturbed kindergarten teacher...

Speaker Lights up Legislators on School Sexual Assaults and Secrecy
This speaker chose to address the Texas Legislator's video feed rather than face a school board...

School Sex and Secrecy
Sorry for the shocking kindergarten teacher's doodle. These ain't your momma's teachers.

Confessions of a Creepy Conperson
"If you don't like it, teach your own kid, but leave your money with us."

Report from the Grooming Front
The results are in, and grooming works really well on kids, and not just selling cigarettes.

Sexual Grooming in Highland Park McCulloch Intermediate School
Sexual Grooming is the behavior modification necessary to desensitize...

Bulgarian Fraud Alert
Do not open the indicated web page until further explanation by DCAD.

Computer Security, How Bad Is It?
"On the Internet nobody knows you're a dog."* Similarly nobody knows you're a cyber-criminal.

The Texas Democratic White Primary
Texas public schools have sanitized one of the the most heinous laws ever enacted by the State of Texas. It was SB 44 authored by Senator Richard Saffarrans Bowers of Burleson.

The Hot New Election App
As an election professional you want your guy to win, but sometimes the voters just don't understand.

We remove the guesswork from your get-out-the-vote effort. Your candidate will find thousands of previously unknown voters dying to put him (and you) in that dream public service job

And best of all, experts agree,

Dallas District 8 Voter Purging
Dallas City Council District 8 encompasses a heavily Black area of the "Southern Sector" or Dallas.

Dallas County Elections reported 1,353 absentee voters were purged from the Vote Roster after they had voted.

Who Purged Elderly Black Voters in 2020?
During the November 3, 2020 election Dallas County Elections reported thousands of purged voters from the Dallas "Southern Sector", home to a large number of Black citizens.

Ninety two percent of the purged voters were older than 65.

Dallas County Elections Is Looking For a Few Good Men
Dallas County Elections needs to hire two Election Supervisors.

It pays up to $63K per year if you have the "background" they're seeking.

Secretary of State Fooled by 000000000
The Secretary of State bragged about being "tireless" and "forward thinking" in regards to election security. Then they reported 15,532 voters voted with a Voter ID of 000000000. MORE

See the Commissioners' Ghost Voters
The SCYTL Result Consolidation computer used by Dallas County Elections was hacked in 2020. On Tuesday January 5, 2020 the Commissioners Court will vote to rehire SCYTL the company that hosted the election hack. MORE

We Don't Need No Stinkin' Registrations
Bandit Actor Alfonso Bedoya coined the motto of Dallas County Elections. 5,565 UNREGISTERED VOTES. MORE

For Foreign White Hats Only

If you don't know what a "White Hat" is
then pick another article. What follows
is for hardcore computer geeks outside the US.

Who Purged the Baby Boomers?

Over 92% of PURGED In-Person and Absentee voters were over 65.

Someone went to a great deal of trouble to PURGE the votes of over 50,000 Baby Boomers. MORE

VOTED    October 19, 2020
PURGED October 25, 2020

Dallas County Early Vote Count Appears Compromised

The Dallas County Absentee and Early In-Person Vote Count appears compromised between October 6 and October 30, 2020.

Search for Tomorrow

You asked for it. Now all your favorite vote searches are collected in one super cool place. MORE

We Salute Our Canadian Voters

You thought that to vote in Dallas County elections you had to actually like live in Dallas. No siree, Bob. MORE

How to Purge Thy Neighbor

How to purge your neighbor or your entire neighborhood's vote in four easy steps. MORE

Dallas Voting, What the HELL!

Toni Pippins-Poole has REMOVED 53,485 Mail-In votes and sent a criminal referral to the District Attorney. MORE

ORP School Shooting Analysis

Read the entire report on school mass shootings going back to the UT Tower sniper in 1966. MORE

Elder Looting, the Rest of the Story

Rogue state agency individuals are kidnapping elderly individuals and couples, looting their assets and incarcerating them for life in asylums. The loosely coordinated conspiracy includes individuals at state agencies, probate judges, and professional guardians. MORE

The Saga of Charlie Fink

Charlie and Edith Fink owned a home in Dallas County, a ranch in Paris, and 4 cars including a new Jaguar XJS. They had no children. Edith was kidnapped by APS in a lightening raid on their home in January. Charlie was kidnapped 2 weeks later following a hernia operation. MORE

Social Worker Spills on APS

We interviewed a recently resigned Adult Protective Service social worker.

To read this man's bone-chilling reveal of disfunctional management, procedures, and competence click MORE

You know in your heart that something is wrong, but there is no one to tell.

We make things happen.


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